Computer Guided Dental Implant Placement


What is Computer-Guided Implant Surgery

Computer guided implant surgery represents the latest innovations in
the field of implant dentistry. Using Computerized Tomography (CT)
scan and 3D imaging, implant specialists can now visualize and plan
the precise placement of dental implants in three dimensions. This
eliminates the guesswork involved and helps the clinician determine
the optimal area for successful implant placement.

It also allows the dentist to create the temporary restorations prior to
the surgery and place the restorations the day of the surgery hence
providing greater satisfaction to the patient and improved aesthetics
as well as comfort.


The Procedure

It consists of 4 steps in planning and performing extremely accurate
implant surgery.

These are:

  1. A Cone Beam Computerized Tomography(CBCT) image is taken of
    your jaw – this is very similar to a medical CAT Scan. It gives us a
    3-dimensional image of your jaw.
  2. An intraoral scan is taken to create a image of the the surfaces of
    the teeth and gum tissue. This is not a radiographic procedure and
    is basically a series of photographs that are stitched together by the
  3. Sophisticated software that allows us to place implants in your jaw
    in the best possible locations is then used to plan the surgery.
  4. The most recent advance has been the developement of the X-Nav
    system which is a computer driven method to direct the surgery
    itself so that we can place the implants in your jaw just as we had
    planned them on the computer. It dramatically increases the
    precise placement of the implants.



  1. Computer-guided implant placement allows surgeons to make
    smaller, precise, and cleaner incisions, which is incredibly beneficial
    to patients.
  2. Smaller incisions ultimately help patients recover from surgery
    much faster, and often with fewer complications.
  3. Furthermore, surgeons can determine accurate treatment plans
    and make exact implantations due to cone beam CT scans. This
    further reduces the risk of complications and implant failure, while
    also allowing the procedure to go a little faster.
  4. Computer-guided implants open up the option to more patients
    who once may have not been considered good candidates. For
    instance, certain patients who have a bone volume or dental
    structure issue can now benefit.
  5. Guided technology accurately shows the patient’s jawbone, soft
    tissue locations, root anatomy, and tissue thickness. As such,
    surgeons are more inclined to install implants knowing that the
    chances of unexpected surgical events are reduced and that a
    visual plan of action and safety measures in place.

Book your consultation

Every journey begins with a detailed consultation. Our approach is always
bespoke, and your plan is individualised for you and your concerns.