A Sinus Lift


About This Treatment

A sinus lift is a surgical procedure designed to improve upper jawbone mass. It is often
performed as a preparatory procedure for dental implant placement, which can only be
performed on patients with sufficient jawbone density.

The Process

A sinus lift, also known as sinus augmentation, is a surgical
procedure that aims to increase the amount of bone in the upper
jaw to facilitate the successful placement of dental implants. It
involves lifting the sinus membrane and placing bone graft
material in the space created, thereby enhancing the bone volume
in the posterior maxilla (upper jaw). This procedure is typically
required when there is insufficient bone height in the upper jaw, or
the sinuses are too close to the jaw for dental implants to be

Comprehensive Evaluation

  1. Consultation:
    • A thorough examination, including X-rays or CT scans, to evaluate bone quality, quantity, and sinus positioning.
  2. Treatment Planning:
    • Discussing procedural steps, potential risks, and expectations.

Pre-Surgical Phase

  • Preparation:
    • Ensuring optimal oral health and addressing any pre-existing issues (e.g., gum disease).
    • Planning for bone grafting materials and sourcing (e.g., synthetic, donor, or autogenous grafts).

Sinus Lift Surgery

  1. Anesthesia:
    • Administering local anesthesia or sedation to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.
  2. Accessing the Sinus:
    • Creating an incision in the gum tissue on the upper jaw, and creating a “window” into the bone to access the sinus membrane.
  3. Lifting the Sinus Membrane:
    • Gently pushing the sinus membrane upward and away from the jaw.
  4. Placing Bone Graft Material:
    • Packing bone graft material into the space where the sinus was, enhancing bone volume.
  5. Closing the Site:
    • Stitching the gum tissue back in place.

Healing and Osseointegration

  1. Recovery Period:
    • Allowing time for healing and for the bone graft to integrate with the existing bone, which can take several months.
  2. Post-Operative Care:
    • Following guidelines for pain management, hygiene, and diet to support healing and avoid complications.

Implant Placement

  1. Prosthetic Attachment:
    • Once osseointegration is confirmed, attaching abutments and placing the dental prosthesis (crown, bridge, or denture).


  1. Fitting:
    • Affixing the permanent prosthesis onto the implants.
    • Making necessary adjustments to ensure comfort and proper bite alignment.

Ongoing Care

  1. Maintaining Oral Health:
    • Regular check-ups, cleanings, and diligent oral hygiene practices to ensure the longevity of the implant and overall oral health.
  2. Periodic Reviews:
    • Continuous assessments by the dental professional to monitor the status of the implant and surrounding structures.

Before and After


Patient Stories


What not to do before a sinus lift?

Before Surgery

  • Avoid drinking or eating food for eight hours if you have general anesthesia. …
  • Wear comfy and loose-fit clothes.
  • Brush your teeth properly before your appointment.
  • Do not take alcohol or smoke for a minimum of 8 hours before sinus lift.

How long do you have to be off work for a sinus lift?

The majority of individuals who have this treatment may go back to work or school two days following the procedure. Remember that the best course of action is to gradually return to your regular daily activities.

Where Does The Bone Come From?

There are several different sources of bone that can be used after a sinus lift is completed. In many cases, the grafted bone will be taken from another place in your jaw or somewhere else in your body. Bone grafting materials like Puros Allografts an also be used instead of bone. This material is made from donated bone particles that have been sterilized to ensure the highest standards of quality and safety.

What are the key anatomical considerations that make a sinus lift procedure necessary for dental implant placement in the posterior maxilla?

The intricate anatomical structures in the posterior maxilla, including the maxillary sinus, can often limit the available bone volume for implant placement. A sinus lift becomes essential when there is insufficient vertical bone height to accommodate the implant, necessitating a detailed understanding of these anatomical nuances.

What advanced imaging technologies are employed in the assessment and planning of a sinus lift procedure?

Cutting-edge diagnostic tools, such as cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and three-dimensional (3D) virtual planning software, are crucial for precise evaluation of sinus anatomy and bone dimensions. This allows for meticulous preoperative planning and minimizes surgical risks.

Can you elucidate the differences between a lateral window sinus lift and a crestal approach sinus lift, and when is each technique more applicable in clinical practice?

Exploring the nuances of these two distinct techniques is essential. A lateral window sinus lift involves a lateral access to the sinus, while a crestal approach accesses the sinus from the implant site. Understanding the indications and advantages of each method in specific clinical scenarios is vital for a successful outcome.

What is the significance of grafting materials in a sinus lift procedure, and how do clinicians decide between autografts, allografts, xenografts, or synthetic materials for bone augmentation?

The choice of grafting material is multifaceted, involving considerations of biocompatibility, resorption rates, and osteoinductive properties. A comprehensive knowledge of the various grafting options and their suitability for individual patients is critical.

Could you elaborate on the potential complications and challenges associated with sinus lift procedures, and the advanced techniques used to mitigate these issues?

Complex sinus lift procedures can encounter complications such as sinus membrane perforation, graft material displacement, or postoperative infections. Discussing advanced techniques for minimizing these challenges, including real-time intraoperative monitoring and advanced suturing methods, is paramount.

In cases of severe atrophy or compromised bone quality, how can clinicians optimize the outcome of sinus lift procedures in preparation for dental implant placement?

Managing severe bone atrophy often requires more advanced strategies, such as staged sinus lifts, guided bone regeneration, or customized implant designs. A detailed understanding of these advanced techniques and their application is crucial for achieving optimal outcomes.

What is the role of growth factors and regenerative technologies in enhancing the success of sinus lift procedures, and how are they integrated into clinical practice at The Dental Implant Institute?

Incorporating growth factors, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), and other regenerative technologies can accelerate tissue healing and improve graft integration. Understanding the science behind these innovations and their integration into the institute’s protocols is essential.

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bespoke, and your plan is individualised for you and your concerns.